2010年的2月,國際分析心理學會(International Association for Analytical Psychology,IAAP)正式通過臺灣成立「發展小組」的申請,宣布「臺北發展小組(Taipei Developing Group)」成立,並委派Thomas Kirsch作為IAAP與臺北發展小組的聯絡人(Liaison Person),同時與Jean Kirsch擔任小組的visiting analyst。
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The Executive Committee (EC) of the IAAP had its yearly meeting recently and reviewed the application of the Taipei group for Developing Group status. I am very pleased to inform you that the EC has approved Taipei as a new Developing Group of the the IAAP and to appoint Thomas Kirsch as the Liaison Person for the group, with Jean Kirsch as a visiting analyst.